Hello everyone! Today, I want to share my personal journey into the world of software development. It begins with a childhood fascination before arriving at a destination I never quite expected.

My journey started when I was young, playing "Age of Empires II." This game was my initial spark, igniting an interest in computers. In 2003, I got an HP Pavilion desktop for Christmas. It had no internet, but that didn’t deter me. I became obsessed with the idea of becoming a hacker, despite the lack of self-learning content for kids back then. My first formal attempt was a VB class in high school, but I quit after a few days. For the next decade, while I remained interested in tech, I believed I wasn’t smart enough to be a software engineer. This is a common feeling and I am here to tell you that it's not true. If I am smart enough, anyone is. It comes down to time and motivation.

After college, my path took an unexpected turn: I became a teacher in China. But my interest in technology persisted, albeit in the background. The turning point came unexpectedly while watching "The Punisher." A character, Micro, talked about his love for computers, and it resonated with me. That was the moment I realized I needed to give coding another shot.

Back on track, I enrolled in online classes through the university I worked at. However, most of my learning was self-directed. I leaned heavily on YouTube videos and Udemy courses, embracing the wealth of knowledge available online. This phase was mostly a solitary venture. In hindsight, seeking a community might have been beneficial.

About a year into my learning, I landed my first job. But with it came a constant worry that I didn’t measure up – a classic case of impostor syndrome. My advice to anyone in a similar situation is to have an honest conversation with a coworker or supervisor. They’ve probably felt the same way at some point.

Looking back, I realize I spent money on a bootcamp that wasn’t necessary. FreeCodeCamp or similar resources would have sufficed. Especially if you already have a Bachelor's degree, consider learning through cheap or free online resources. While a degree can be beneficial, it’s important to weigh the costs. Remember, plenty of successful software developers don’t have degrees at all.

Every journey is unique, and mine has taught me that there are many paths to becoming a software developer. It's about persistence, self-belief, and embracing your passion. Whether it’s through games, a favorite TV show, or the simple realization that you’re chasing the wrong dream, the path to your true calling might be filled with unexpected twists and turns. Embrace them – they make your story all the more compelling.