
I recently decided to start learning game development in Godot.

The Godot Engine is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games.

This appealed to me because of the recent unity drama sounding its pricing model. I love free and open-source toolsIt’s also extremely lightweight. I was surprised at how fast you can get hit up and running.

You can use any language with Godot but only C# and GDScript are natively supported. I like GDScript because it is similar to Python, my preferred language. If you are coming from Unity, C# might be a good option.

I made the first two projects from Godot 4 Game Development Projects and Gamedev.tv’s “Complete Godot 2D”. I’m most proud of the space rocks project. I put it up on itch.io and got it to run in the browser.

My current goal is to compete in Pirate Software’s game jam. It’s two weeks long and I need to submit a game design document and a prototype. The game design document lays out the game at the highest level. And the prototype will be a sample of gameplay, probably one level. I’m excited about this journey. My ultimate goal is to make a full game and release it on Steam this year.